Concrete Testing was the first service to be offered by ACS Testing back in 1987. Since then, we have expanded our services. Our scope now covers a wide range of UKAS-accredited testing on both fresh and hardened concrete. This can be conducted in our laboratories or on site. Our tests are conducted to British or European standards.

ACS offer the most requested tests for physical and mechanical properties and bespoke testing per our client’s requirements. Our experienced team would be happy to discuss any concrete testing projects you may need assistance with.

ACS Testing provides technicians who have high skills and current CSCS cards. They are also thoroughly trained in safety procedures. This training is based on method statements and risk assessments.

Construction worker at the road side

Concrete is the most common building material in the world. It is made up of Portland cement, fly ash, slag cements, crushed rock or gravel, sand, and water. Chemical admixtures and other materials are often added to the mix to enhance the performance characteristics. It is commonly reinforced with steel rods (rebar) or wire screening (mesh).

In addition to our Main Testing Laboratory, we also have a purpose-built Concrete Testing Laboratory. This facility is equipped with several compressive strength machines, concrete grinding apparatus, and purpose-built curing tanks with heat exchangers. These tanks maintain the required curing temperatures. An overhead gantry crane facilitates the handling of large numbers of test specimens. It also has a specific database with printing facilities that can be used to print directly onto hardened concrete test samples.

ACS Testing, moving glass

Concrete Testing Services Available

Test Method What it shows
Sampling Fresh Concrete BS EN 12350-1 To ensure a representative sample of the fresh concrete is obtained
Concrete Slump Test BS EN 12350-2 To check the consistence of the concrete meets the clients specification
Determination of Air Content BS EN 12350-7 Where air-entrained concrete is specified its air content must be checked
Temperature of Fresh Concrete Documented In-House Method To confirm the temperature of concrete meets any minimum or maximum specification requirements
Concrete Cube Testing – including curing BS EN 12390-3


BS EN 12390-2

Determines the strength of hardened concrete cubes (100-150mm). Commonly tested at 7 and 28 days after casting.
Flexural Strength BS EN 12390-5 Prismatic specimens subjected to a bending moment.
Density BS EN 12390-7 To determine the density (as-received, water saturated or oven-dried) of concrete
Compressive Strength of Concrete Cores BS EN 12504-1 Determines the strength of hardened concrete in existing structures.
Cement Content BS 1881-124 Determines the Cement content of hardened concrete.
Hi-Alumina Cement (HAC) BRE Rapid Determines the presence of HAC within the concrete.
Chloride Content BS 1881-124 Determines the Chloride content of hardened concrete.
Concrete Trial Mixes Documented In-House Method Full trial mixes for determination of strength and fresh concrete properties

Concrete Investigation

Well-designed reinforced concrete structures are usually very durable. However, corrosion of the reinforcing steel can be an issue in aggressive environments. Examples include motorway bridges, car parks and marine installations.

Construction practice over the past few decades has left a legacy of existing structures. These structures have a range of defects, which contribute to reinforcement corrosion. These are likely to require repair and remediation, or even replacement. Before undertaking any repairs to a reinforced concrete structure, it is essential to discover the causes of distress or deterioration.

Construction worker inspecting a new concrete foundation

In-Situ & Laboratory Concrete Tests

Investigation and assessment are essential for preserving and increasing the service life of the structure. The right strategy is key to this process. Our experienced team would be happy to discuss and assist with any concrete investigation projects you may need assistance with. Please see below for examples of projects we have completed:

  • West Park Multi-Story Car Park – Southampton
  • Kelda Water Tower – St Athan
  • Dell Quay – Chichester Harbour
  • Seafront Holiday Inn – Brighton
Strength testing concrete samples
Examples of our

In-Situ Sampling & Testing includes:

  • Cover meter (Hilti Ferroscan)
  • Hilti PS 1000 x-scan
  • Half Cell Potential Survey
  • Resistivity Survey
  • Dust Sampling
  • Carbonation Depth
  • Delaminatinon Survey
  • Surface Hardness
  • Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity
  • Pull-Off Tests
  • Crack Measurement
Drilling down
Examples of our

Laboratory Testing includes:

  • Alkali Content
  • Cement Content
  • Chloride Content
  • Sulphate Content
  • Core Compressive Strength
  • Determination of Presence of HAC (High Alumina Cement)
  • Petrographic Analysis
  • Air Content
  • Water Absorption
A concrete coring sample

Frequently Asked Questions

How is a slump test performed on concrete?

The concrete slump test is a type of concrete testing method that should be completed at every 1000m3 of concrete produced per grade. First, one-third of a clean cone is filled with concrete and compacted using a tamping rod. Then the same again for the following third, and again for the final third – all from the original concrete sample.

After cleaning the excess from the outside of the cone, the cone is removed as vertically as possible. The concrete will then slump or subside, and the distance from the top of the new pile can be compared to the top of the cone.

What is the acceptable slump for concrete?

Results from this method of concrete testing are either zero slump, true slump, shear slump, or collapse slump. Zero means the mix hasn’t moved at all and is too dry for construction, while collapse slump means the opposite. True slump is the ideal mixture as it sinks slightly but maintains its shape; this slump should range between 4 and 5 inches.

What is the purpose of concrete cube testing?

Concrete testing often includes a concrete cube test, which is carried out to ensure that a concrete mix will meet its intended compressive strength. This test involves extracting a cubed sample of fresh concrete, allowing it to cure, and then applying an increasing load until it fails. The results can then be compared to the compressive strength required for the proposed design.

When should you test the compressive strength of concrete?

The compressive strength test is a type of concrete testing method used to determine if the mix can reliably withstand the weight it will face when in use. Samples should be taken as soon as the mix is first poured. After 28 days, they will be placed into a compression machine and subjected to increasing load until they crack, crumble, or collapse.

ACS Services

Please see below for a list of the services provided by ACS:

Geo Environmental Consultancy Icon

Geo-Environmental Consultancy

The ACS Geo-Environmental Consultancy Department has been operating as part of ACS for over 10 years.

Onsite Testing Icon

On-Site Testing Services

ACS offers a comprehensive range of professional on-site testing, all carried out by our fully trained site technicians.

Aggregates And Soil Testing Icon

Aggregates and Soils Testing

From our main laboratory in Poole, Dorset, ACS provide quality testing and material consultancy for the construction and civil engineering industry.

Bituminous Testing Icon

Bituminous Testing

ACS carries out testing on new bituminous binder material and testing on hardened material for physical and chemical properties. Circa pre 1980’s Tar (Carcinogenic effects) was also used as a binder, ACS staff can sample and test materials to assess if Tar was used.

Concrete Testing Icon

Concrete Testing

Concrete was the first service to be offered by ACS back in 1987. Since then, we have increased our scope to cover a wide range of UKAS Accredited testing methods on fresh and hardened concrete.

Mortar And Screed Testing Icon

Mortar and Screed Testing

ACS can sample and test new and hardened mortar. Hardened mortar for mix proportions and constituents, new mortar for compressive and flexural strength.

Contamination Icon

Contamination and WAC Testing

At ACS we offer an efficient and reliable chemical analysis service for waste soils and construction materials using various test solids and leaching procedures specified by the Environment Agency.

Chemical Testing Icon

Chemical Testing

The ACS chemical laboratory was established in 2007. It complements the physical materials testing service provided by ACS by offering a range of chemical analytical services.

Water Analysis Icon

Leachate and Water Analysis

Our purpose-built analytical laboratory enables ACS to provide a comprehensive sampling, monitoring and analysis service on a wide range of leachate and water samples.

Natural Stone Testing Icon

Natural Stone Testing

Our newly refurbished stone testing laboratory has given us the opportunity to expand our testing scope. In addition, we have increased production and improved on our turnaround of samples.

Site Lab Services Icon

Site Laboratory Services

Over the last 35 years, ACS have supplied custom fitted site laboratories with technicians to many construction sites and projects worldwide.

Persistent Organic Pollutants

Our experienced lab technicians can provide detailed and accurate analysis of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in almost any sample matrix in line with the Stockholm Convention.

Energy From Waste

Experts in Energy from Waste residues, ACS offers a full range of services, including gasification, pyrolysis, syngas and tar sampling, and analysis and interpretation of analytical results for IBA and APCr.

RoHS Compliance Testing

At ACS, we undertake rigorous RoHS compliance testing to identify and quantify any contaminants in your shredded waste, ensuring your product meets strict RoHS requirements.

Energy Supply, Generation & Regulation

Our highly skilled team provide industry-leading waste fuel testing services for RDF, SRF, MSW, and Solid Biomass, helping you save costs and meet compliance standards for total peace of mind.


If you require a collection that is outside of our usual range, please feel free to call us on 01202 622858.
Or contact us and we will do our best to accommodate your requirements.