XtraTec Case Studies
Take a look through a range of case studies from XtraTec, including Eastern Quarry Works, Martello Lakes Development and Ouse Washes Section 10 Works.
Take a look through a range of case studies from XtraTec, including Eastern Quarry Works, Martello Lakes Development and Ouse Washes Section 10 Works.
ACS were commissioned by one of our local authority clients to undertake site and laboratory analysis. We provided a range of bituminous core testing.
ACS carried out concrete investigations to determine the thickness, structural form/arrangement, and condition of the existing concrete.
ACS was asked to test waste plastic for physical and chemical properties. The proposed use was for hot mix recycling similar to foamix for pothole repair.
Project Objective: A contaminated land risk assessment and geoscience services provision to assist in the discharge of the contaminated land planning condition.
Inert Landfill Liner - The project objective was to achieve Environment Agency approval of containment engineering works, in line with the Environmental Permit.
The objective of the project at Reading Quarry was to prepare a document in accordance with the WRAP Quality Protocol – Aggregates from Inert Waste.
The project objective was to provide a geotechnical report and investigation for temporary works design, pile design and to determine ground conditions.
ACS provided long term materials testing services and consultancy support to the mine. We installed and ran a soils physical testing laboratory on the site.
Project Objective: environmental monitoring of nine landfill sites and recycling plants. ACS provided gas, groundwater and surface water monitoring/analysis.